Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I’ve decided to take a break from studying from Computer Usage II. Okay let’s face it, I was playing NBA 2k10. So, something has been bothering me as of late and that is the idea of dating and how long you should wait before you get hitched. Don’t get me wrong, finding the love of your life is amazing, and committed to that person is incredible. Some couples will date and be married within a year, some even within eight months and some within six months! I feel as if dating is becoming unnecessary and that eventually all people will need to do is arrange the marriage. People will disagree with me, but when I get smack for already getting married “too young” then what do you call people who get married without really getting to know someone. It’s frustrating to think that some people think their life is like a movie, and do without thinking. DON’T get mistake my point of view to disagree with your wedding if you think I am disagreeing with your relationship; my worry is that eventually your spontaneity will lead to a separation or divorce. And that is what scares me for couples who “rush” into things. Any-who, I guess there is hope for Cam Friesen to get married this year.

Here’s to Cam Friesen and carey mulligan, July 2010.


  1. JON! I'm hurt. my life has ALWAYS been a movie! Next comes that crazy affair when i'm on vacation, then that child will be born that just doesn't really look like Jesse. Then- Jesse will be mysteriously murdered by my on the side man... Then- Jesse comes back and wasn't really dead but just faking it... and then we live happily ever after!

    haha, just kidding. but I do agree with you (mostly). And I have a girl lined up for cam that doesn't even want to meet him until he lifts up her veil at the end of the aisle! (She's really cute cam).
